our working Studs

Available for Live Breedings
Next day shipping worldwide
We consider 3 puppies a litter or you get a rebreed
If Breeding doesnt take you get a rebreed
We offer mentorship throughout the breeding process to identify the most fertile time for insemination


Age: 10/03/23
Color: Blue Tri carrying chocolate
DNA: ATAT dd bB 
Height: 10"
6 Panel Health Clear

inquiry form


Age: 06/04/23
Color: Lilac & tan carrying rojo & fluffy
DNA: Ata dd coco bB l1 kyky nn
6- Panel health clear
6 Panel Clear

inquiry form


Age: 2
Color: Lilac
DNA: a/a, co/co , d/d , Em/e
6 Panel Clear

inquiry form

Black bearD

Age: 03/13/2023
Color:  Black Tan
DNA: at/a, B/B, D/D , Em/e, Co/co
Weight: 18lbs
6 Panel Clear

inquiry form


Age: 03/13/2023
Color:  Blue Tri Merle Fluffy Carrier
DNA: Ata dd coCo kyky nn m l1
Weight: 18lbs
6 Panel Clear

inquiry form